Monday, September 10, 2012

How To Do Batik

How to do Batik, are more popular tought to wide community. Batik employers and collage also provide educational how to do batik on school children and public. They taught how to do batik,  procedures, and usually use a small cloth handkerchief as an experiment. Thus, the process of how to batik can be done in just a few hours and the cost involved is very small. Tradition is great for introducing batik process to the public, especially the younger generation.

The following is a sequential process of how to do batik batik from beginning to end. Naming or any mention of how to work in every area of ​​batik can vary, but the core is doing the same.

Ngemplong part of process how to do batik 
1. Ngemplong 
Ngemplong is the initial or preliminary stages of how to do batik, beginning with a wash cloth. The goal is to eliminate the kanji. Then proceed with pengeloyoran, which include cloth to castor oil or peanut oil that is already in the straw ash. Incorporated into the cloth so that castor oil cloth becomes weak, so that the absorption of the dye is higher.
After going through the above process, given fabric starch and dried. Next, do the pengemplongan, which hammered cloth to smooth fabric lining for easy how to do batik.

Memola part of process how to do batik
2. Nyorek or memola. Memola  Is the process of copying or making patterns on cloth by copying an existing motif pattern, or commonly referred to ngeblat. Patterns are usually made on paper rolls first, and traced the pattern on the cloth. This one of how to do Batik stage, can be done directly on the fabric or trace them using a pencil or canting. But the coloring process to be successful, do not break, and perfect, then the process how to do batik needs to be repeated on the side batik fabric underneath. This process is called Ganggang

Mbathik part of process how to do batik
3. Mbathik. It is the next stage of how to do batik , in a way to carve night batik cloth, starting from nglowong (draw the lines outside of the pattern) and Isen, Isen (fill patterns in various forms). In the process of Isen, Isen there nyecek term, which is making the stuffing in a pattern that was made by way of giving the points (nitik). There is also a term nruntum, similar to Isen, Isen, but more complicated.

Nembok part of process how to do batik
4. Nembok. Is the process of covering the parts that should not be exposed to the basic color, in this case blue color, using malam. Sections were covered with a thick layer of malam  as if it is a retaining wall.

Medel part of process how to do batik
5. Medel. Medel is a fabric dyeing process that has made batik to color liquid repeatedly so get the desired color.

Mbirah part of process how to do batik
6. Ngerok and Mbirah. In this process, malam  on the cloth carefully scraped off using a metal plate, and then the fabric is rinsed with clean water. After that, the fabric aerated.

7. Mbironi. Mbironi is covered in blue and Isen, Isen pattern form cecek or points using the night. In addition, there is also ngrining process, ie the process of filling the missing pieces colored with a specific motive. Typically, ngrining done after the dyeing process done.

Menyoga part of process how to do batik
8. Menyoga. Menyoga soga comes from, which is a kind of wood that is used to get the color brown. The way is to dip the cloth into the mixture brown.

Nglorod part of process how to do batik
9. Nglorod is the final stage in the process of making a piece of batik fabric and batik using color barrier (evening). In this stage, batik release the entire night (candles) by inserting fabric old enough color into the boiling water. Once appointed, the fabric is rinsed with clean water and then diangin-arginkan to dry. The process of making batik is quite long. The process of beginning to end the process can involve several people, and the completion of a stage of the process is also time consuming. Therefore, it is natural that batik cloth worth quite high.

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